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3rd Quarter Update

The 3rd quarter of 2020 was filled with God’s blessings. As the Covid 19 cases drop dramatically in Thailand, visiting our hill tribe students and orphans became easier. FOLD young leaders took the chance and invited many of their classmates to join in the effort of serving the orphans. Serving orphans in need is a way of showing love in ways they can feel. It is also a very good way to bring non-believing friends into the community of Christ. Our Lord Jesus modeled his earthly life as that of a servant. 

“just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”                                                             Matthew 20:28 NIV

Lahu orphanage visit 7_20 snack time

An unexpected challenge arose during the month of August. Pastor Stephen started to experiencing pain in the ball of his left foot. The condition worsened and spread to his right foot as well. He had been diagnosed with having Morton's Neuroma in both feet. It is an enlargement of a nerve that causes pain and affects mobility. It is a condition that may take extended period to heal. Please pray for the treatments to work and restore his health in a timely manner. So he can serve on the mission field in good health.

Several of the college/tech school students FOLD supports also serve with their affiliated organizations. Some serve hill tribe church’s children’s program; others serve as worship leaders in their local church by school campuses. Your loving contributions make it possible for them to receive scholarships, living expenses support, trainings and seminars, and medical expenses. Each young person’s life shows a living testimony of the love of God and the kindness of brothers and sisters.

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We are amazed how God has blessed our American daughters Priscilla and Paulina. Since our family came to Thailand more than three years ago, they have let go of their familiar lives in America and stepped out in faith into a brand new life. God has honored their faith by providing a godly and loving Christian community for them. Chiang Rai International Christian School is not only a place of learning for them, it is where they serve and receive support as well. Priscilla will be attending University back in the States next year. Please pray for her application process and school fees.


  Prayer items

  1. Please pray for quick and complete healing of pastor Stephen's Mortin's Neuoma condition.

  2. Please pray for our orphans and young hill tribe students to stay healthy and safe.

  3. Please pray for our family to keep our faith strong and find peace in our daily devotions with our Lord Jesus.

  4. Please pray for our family to stay healthy and safe, including my wife Wendy, our two American daughters Priscilla and Paulina, our five Akha tribe daughters Happii, Paige, Summer, Rainy, and Sunny, and myself.

  5. Please pray for our continual effort to raise medical reserve fund for students and orphans.

  6. Please pray for safe travels on the roads in Thailand (Thailand has the 2nd highest traffic deaths in the world)

Family Of Loving Disciples

​          F. O. L. D.

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