
2021 1st Quarter Report
It is amazing we are coming to the end of the first quarter of 2021. With the lingering effect of 2020 still echoing in our lives, FOLD’s 2021 mission effort presses forward through the strength of God. Though it seems like an impossible mission, by the grace of God we are able to support more hill tribe young people and address their growing needs thus far in 2021. Witnessing hill tribe young people maturing in the stature of Jesus Christ has been our biggest motivation for continuing God’s mission work in northern Thailand.
For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? Indeed, you are our glory and joy.
1 Thessalonian 2:19-20 NIV

FOLD’s student leaders come from the elder young people we support. They lovingly help serve younger orphans through teaching the Word of God and facilitating children’s programs. Many of them also serve at their local tribal churches. Additional significant roles they play are planning and leadership positions for the annual Christian youth camps in northern Thailand.

Our eldest American daughter Priscilla will be attending Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan this fall. Priscilla bravely stepped onto Thailand’s soil along with our family four years ago, answering God’s call for us as a missionary family. God has honored her heart for the hilltribe young people and provided financial aids to help her attend the pre-law program of her choice. She will be entering a new chapter of her walk with Christ and presented with new learning experience. Please keep Priscila in your prayers.

FOLD’s 2021 support includes 39 kids in elementary school. While 8 remain in middle school, 5 students will be moving onto high school, 2 onto technical colleges, 2 onto Bible colleges, 2 graduating from tech programs, 4 graduating from universities, and 1 applying for a teaching credential program.

Please pray for Us:
To stay deeply connected with Christ, for His joy to be our strength daily.
To be granted healthy bodies to carry out our mission.
To be provided enough funds to support hill tribe young people.
For Priscilla to be given grace and favor in her university endeavor.
For our family to be able to visit family and friends back in USA this summer.
For our elderly parents to be kept healthy and safe.