
3rd Quarter Update
I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2

Challenges on the mission field are the expected norm. But none of us ever thought we would go through a global pandemic with the children we serve. Thailand has experienced record high Covid cases and deaths during the 3rd quarter of 2021. Provinces, businesses and schools were locked down during much of this time. In the 3rd quarter FOLD supported many of our young people for their medical needs including treatments for traffic accidents, dentist visits, and other hospital visits. However, no one needed treatment for Covid. We are deeply thankful for God’s protection and mercy, and we thank all our loving supporters for your faithful prayers.

Miraculously, the village schools where our orphans attend have been able to meet due to no Covid outbreaks. Praise God! Kids can continue their learning in the midst of the pandemic. With your financial support they are able to go to school, have nutritious meals, medical care, and safe housing to live and worship Jesus with fellow Christians.

Our hill tribe leaders have also been blessed with health and education opportunities. Bible college students still need learn online for the time being. But university and tech college students are able to attend onsite schools.

With our Oldest daughter Priscilla attending college in Michigan, Paulina is adjusting to a more independent life style here on the mission field. It has allowed her and 3 of her Akha sisters to become even close. Paulina is keeping a busy schedule in her senior year as the Student Council president, youth group leader, worship team leader, Basketball and Volleyball team captain.

Prayer Items
Please pray for:
Thailand's pandemic to be under control. For the leaders to have wisdom to take care of Thailand's people.
Our students and children to stay diligent in wearing masks, social distancing, and washing hands. To continue their pursuit of academic and spiritual excellence.
God's protection on the chaotic roads of Thailand
God to watch over our aging parents in US and Taiwan.