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1st Quarter Update

The Lord sits enthroned over the flood..Psalm 29:10

2020 started with the unexpected threat of a novel corona virus we now know as Covid19. No corners of the world are immune to the spread of this brand-new peril. But despite the anxiety and changes brought about by Covid19, God’s work continues to move forward. Here in Thailand we do everything possible to protect ourselves from potential viral transmissions, and we place our hope of Covid19 containment/cure in the hands of our mighty God.

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The orphans we support at Home of the Blessed Orphanage are experiencing the abundance of our Lord more and more each year. Loving donations from brothers and sisters from across the globe have allowed them to build new dormitories, worship hall, and kitchen. Kids are able to have all their learning expenses taken care of. But an unexpected blessing the loving services from college students from other hill tribes sponsored by FOLD. Kids at Home of the Blessed cannot get enough of visitations by these young leaders of FOLD. Each visit brings them Bible lessons, games, gifts, ad bundles of love from Jesus.

Many of our supported college students grew up in the same orphanage in northern Thailand. A common wish among them is to be able to help younger orphans one day. Our 2nd eldest Akha daughter started just such a campaign among the alumni of this orphanage. Who knows better the needs of orphans than orphans themselves? Numerous alumni from all over Thailand joined in this effort. They gathered funds and purchased a large supply of items including: personal hygiene articles, under garments, pajamas, socks, and bath towels, etc...items they wished they had more of growing up. These loving big brothers and sisters not only brought the donation over for the kids, they spent a day cooking delicious food, leading fun games, and sharing personal testimonies with young orphans.

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One of our most faithful hill tribe young leader is departing for work in Korea. Since FOLD's inception in Thailand, NiYa has been with us serving hilltribe orphans and youths in ways that inspired so many young people to follow. She is certain about God's calling to serve a new generation of tribal youths, but has decided through prayer to first help her family's struggling finance by taking on a work opportunity in Korea. NiYa’s life demonstrate the path of a true disciple of our Lord Jesus. And FOLD is so thankful to be given the opportunity to provide support and guidance for exceptional disciples like her. We pray for NiYa’s safety and wellbeing in Korea, and for her timely return to us to continue serving hilltribe orphans.

Congratulations to our hill tribe students Nawin and Beauty on their graduation at Chiang Rai's College of Agriculture. Despite financial hardship, they have completed the 3-year program with hard work and support from FOLD. Both have served with us to help younger hill tribe orphans and shared their personal testimonies often. Nawin and Beauty  will go onto associate college programs next school year. We sincerely thank everyone who supported and continue to support students like them.

  Prayer items

  1. The leaders of Thailand to be wise and effective in containing and eradicating the Covid19 virus.

  2. Our orphans and young hill tribe students to stay healthy and safe during their summer break.

  3. Us to keep our faith strong and find peace in our daily devotions with our Lord Jesus.

  4. Our family to stay healthy and safe, including my wife Wendy, our two American daughters Priscilla and Paulina, our five Akha tribe daughters Happii, Paige, Summer, Rainy, and Sunny, and myself.

  5. My teaching and preaching to be effective among the hill tribe young people.

  6. Our safe travels on the roads of Thailand (Thailand has the 2nd highest traffic deaths in the world)

  7. Our funding to be enough this year to be able to help more hill tribe young orphans.

Family Of Loving Disciples

​          F. O. L. D.

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